August 23rd, really? That was the last time I decided that anything I had to say was important enough to blog about? Wow! Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Oh well, such is life sometimes. My quest for being a healthy mama is not going so well. I have done such a great job of brain washing my children that eating out is so much better that now, eating at home is a chore. Yes, a chore. Why can't I have a real life Alice from the Brady Bunch that lives with me. I could come home from work every day and dinner would be waiting for me, oh wait, maybe I want a wife? Any whoo, like I said, making dinner at home is a chore. First the planning, what wonderful things can I waste my time on that is healthy for the fam and that they will thoroughly hate? Apparently I am pretty good at this one because before I can even get the dinner to the table I hear a lot of yucks, and I hate that and gross. All very encouraging words to make me want to keep cooking. Then I have to go shopping and finally put it all away when I get home. After dinner has been served then you have to clean everything up. What is this about? I guess I just wasn't cut out for the cooking portion of motherhood. I'm too lazy. Who wants to be bothered?
Anyway, I don't even know where I was going with all that but I will do my best to be better at composing my blogs. I certainly don't want to be dropped from my huge fan based for lack of posts.