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Monday, July 26, 2010


Okay, so obviously I am not very good about this blogging thing. Either I am too lazy as stated before, I don't think it will do any good or I don't think people will really care what I have to say. I could go with any of those. So let me tell you about my girl's weekend, it was AWESOME!!!! I look forward to it each year and I am so lucky to have been invited and get to share some fun fabulous days with some great ladies. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being a mom and wife. I have a wonderful family but sometimes a mom just has to get a away. I think the fact that you have absolutely no responsibility for a fews days lets you re-energize and be a better mom.

I think I said in my last post that there would be a lot of drinking and I was not wrong. Drinking and bonding and drinking and eating and drinking and floating and drinking some more. The next day started out with some shopping and then drinking and eating and drinking and floating and drinking and eating and drinking again. It is nice to hang out with people who share your same interest and you have a lot in common with.

Last week I was on vacation but I will save that post for another day.

Take Care!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Number 1

I have no idea what to title these blogs so don't ever try to read anything into them. I had a pretty good weekend for the most part. My BIL and SIL came over after dinner to just hang out on the patio since it was so nice. They of course brought pie with them and being the gracious hostess that I am, I couldn't refuse. My SIL and I opened a bottle of wine and the boys proceeded to "run" to the Sprint Store so they could check out some cool new phone. Only when they got up to leave did we all notice that they were both wearing practically the same outfit which for some odd reason they have a tendency to do. They are constantly showing up wearing basically the same thing.

While they were at the store the girls finished off the bottle of wine (by the way was only 2 glasses a piece) while trying to put together a 700 piece puzzle. I have to say, the puzzle thing is a little addictive. You always say you are just going to find one more piece but you just keep going. Let me just say this while I am thinking about it. You have to check out my SIL's blog, she is hilarious. www.deannadartingschulz.blogspot.com. I had to throw that in there because I have the world's worst memory.

Saturday started off with my daughter's 8:30 game, then lots of pool time followed by my son's 2:30 baseball game. Weekends sure do go by fast when you have a lot of commitments.

Sunday I started my 1/2 marathon training. Let me repeat that, I just started, meaning I only had to run 2 miles. Piece of cake you would think since I did run a 1/2 marathon in November. Apparently my muscles have about as good a memory as I do. I sure hope this gets easier because if it doesn't I don't know if I will make it this time. The one thing that did make this run somewhat enjoyable was my son. I swear, sometimes he just cracks me up. My son and daughter were with SIL and myself since my husband was in Lawrence helping his sister. They were riding their bikes and my son was cracking the whip on me and SIL. Telling us to get it going and to run faster. Maybe I need him to go with me more often.

That was basically it for my weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed their time off.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day Two

My day has not started out exactly as I had planned. On Friday mornings I usually get up around 5:15 to walk with my neighbors. This morning, instead of walking we were going to do a mini boot camp in the cul-de-sac. I got all my clothes ready last night and set my alarm. When I woke up at 4:40 I decided to turn my alarm off. Why you might ask? Let me tell you, I am an expert with sabatoging myself and coming up with some of the best excuses. I decided that I couldn't go this morning because of a dog. I am fostering a dog right now and she follows me everywhere. If I leave the house she wines and I didn't want her to wake up everyone else this morning at 5:30. I am such a considerate person don't you think?

So I am going to try and do better the remainder of the day. For breakfast I had my sandwich thin toasted with my Omega 3 peanutbutter and 2 cups of coffee. For lunch I plan on having a salad. I am usually good during breakfast and lunch, it is the late afternoon and dinner that get me. Sunday I offically start my 1/2 marathon training with running 2 miles. My husband will be at his sister's house so I will be taking the kids with me. Yah! A somewhat healthy family activity. The kids can ride their bikes while I struggle to put one foot in front of the other. Is it too much to ask a 6 year old to carry me on the back of his bike??

Have a great Friday!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well, let me start by saying that this is my very first blog. I was never really interested in blogs until I started reading my sister-in-law's blog. So I guess you could say she was my inspiration. In fact I would have to say that she is my inspiration for many of the things I have done in my life since she married my very cute and very sweet brother-in-law. They make a very attractive couple and I love hanging out with them. Since meeting her I have tried and I stress tried to eat healthier. She got me to run my first 1/2 marathon last fall and for someone who says they hate to run, I think that was a pretty big accomplishment. And I would have to say that I never watched a UFC fight before I met her. She is quite a gal!

Anyway, I decided to try to the whole blogging thing since it is supposed to be a great way to hold yourself accountable for what you do, i.e. my journey to a healthier me. I would have to say that I am a closet eater. On the outside most people would probably say that I eat somewhat decently. What they don't see are all the times I sneak food. The thing is, I know it is not good for me but I do it anyway. It is almost as if they don't see me eating it then it doesn't count. I love the idea of exercise and how I feel afterwards but for some reason I just cannot get myself motivated. I guess you could say I am a bit lazy. I want my kids to be healthy and eat as little processed foods as possible but I just can't seem to get my act together. It is so much easier to go out to eat then for me to try and fix something that all four of us would eat.

So this is my journey and I welcome any suggestions or words of encouragement you can give.