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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We Have A Winner

Last night I tried a new recipe for dinner and low and behold it actually was a success. When my son said "mom, this is really good" and my daughter said "it's okay", I knew I had a good one. It was a teriyaki stir fry using chicken and soba noodles. The recipe was really simple and I am convinced the soba noodles were much better then your plain jane spaghetti. These soba noodles were made with buckwheat so that has to be good. Right?

On another note, I started my semi P90X program. I'm not sure how this is going to turn out but if based on last night's workout I probably won't be able to feed myself tomorrow. Which is humouors since I wasn't able to complete 1/3 of the exercises they were doing. And I think I bruised my tail bone doing the Ab Ripper Cd. Ouch! I will keep you updated on my progress or lack of. But if doing 1/3 of the workout gets me 1/3 of the results then I am okay with that especially if you consider my current state of flabbiness.

Hope you all have a great day!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pop Tarts

So as I'm sure you all are aware school has started once again. It has gotten off to a great start for us. Neither of my kid's got "the teacher" that everyone said you didn't want to get. Both of their teachers seem very nice. Unfortuantely this year I don't get to send my kids off to school every morning which was my usual job. Now I leave the house before everyone is up and leave my husband to the task of getting the kids up and ready for school. Lucklily for him I still pack their lunches before I leave. Side note on that, he never even asked if he needed to make the kid's lunches for school. Just like a guy he assumed it would be taken care of and of course it was.

Now this morning my husband had an event at work that he needed to be at no later than 6:15 so I went into work late so I could take the kid's to school. Trying to be the creative and fun mom that I am I decided I was going to make homemade poptarts for breakfast. How fun! I mean I basically gave my kids mini cherry pies for breakfast. Who does that? Me that's who. Were my kids excited? Were they over joyed? No, my kids wouldn't eat them. My especially picky daughter wanted a smoothie. Okay I can do that. So I made her smoothie. My son wasn't up yet so I put the remainder of the smoothie in a glass and put two of the poptarts on a plate and put them on the table. I went and woke him up and told him that breakfast was on the table. While I was getting ready he came into my room to tell me, "Mom, I don't like the poptarts. I like the ones from the store better. Are you mad?". Was I mad no, were my feelings crushed to little pieces and thrown in the trash, yes.

I guess no more trying to be creative for breakfast. I will just leave that for the lunches that usually get thrown away and the dinners that my kid's turn their noses up at.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Hey everyone! It's Monday, again. Yeah! It is the Monday before schools starts and I am getting excited. I love the routine of school. I like to have a plan and know what to expect. Not so sure my kid's are as excited as I am though.

Just wanted to check in and let you know that I am still here. Anticipating what exactly I will be putting in my kid's lunch boxes this week. I will have to let you know how that goes.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Royals

So I don't know if you noticed but it has been a little on the warm side here in the Midwest. It doesn't bother me to much since I am in an office all day. Well yesterday I was given tickets to the Royals game for last night. Keep in mind that it was over 100 yesterday. For some reason no one wanted the tickets so I took them. I have to say that it really wasn't that bad. I remember going to a 1:00pm game in June and sitting on the 3rd base side and just died. We didn't even make it through the entire game because it was just sweltering. The game last night was at 7:10 and even though it was warm it wasn't nearly as bad. But there was no sun beating down on us and there was an occasional breeze. But here is the best part about the game last night. I actually made dinner before we went out there and therefore we only spent roughly $8 bucks for two sodas. How about them apples. I think that is pretty good since you just assume you would eat those wonderful vendor creations called food. I will pat myself on the back for that one.

I would also like to mention that I did not go out to eat all weekend. And if you know my family that is pretty impressive. Every meal was made at home and the only exception was when we went to the movies Saturday morning. I let the kids get some kid sized popcorn and a tiny drink.

Now if I could just get myself to start working out. I'm not sure how to get the movitivation. You would think that my ginormous rear would be motiviation enough but for some reason it isn't. I think about it all day long and how "tomorrow" I am going to start but it just doesn't seem to happen. I obviously have some kind of mental block.

Saturday morning I was going to go for a short run while my daughter rode her bike. Obstacale number one, rain. Not that dedicated yet to go running in the rain and certainly didn't want my daughter to be riding her bike in it. Then I was going to go on Sunday instead. I wasn't going to have any kids since they were spending the night at a friend's house. Then I was planning on going to a 10:00 yoga class and Ashley wanted to go to a 2:00 kid's yoga. Well, let's just say that none of that happened. My life gets in the way too much. I delayed my running Sunday morning for a few minutes and a good thing I did because my kid's were dropped off at 8:30. Scott wasn't home so I guess it was a good thing that I was. So then I decided to go ahead and go to the store which meant that I missed out on my 10:00 yoga class. Then Ryan had a bday party at 2:15 which meant that Ashley missed her class. Which I don't think she minded too much since we took her to the pool instead.

So I guess my weekend didn't go exactly as planned but I guess there is always tomorrow. Except when do my tomorrows run out? When do my tomorrows turn into todays? I need help. Any suggestions?